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Welcome to the Good News Doctor Media home page. Follow us on Youtube to get updated videos every week! Below are videos on all things relating to your health. Feel free to use these resources to educate yourself
Learn more about all aspects of your health by clicking the dropdown menu’s below. You will find videos of Dr. Mark explaining why it’s important to keep yourself healthy in a multitude of health categories. At the end of every video are the solutions / treatments to help your body heal to the maximum level
+ Sleep Health
62% of America needs sleep aids to sleep. Your body replaces 75% of all cells during the deep rem sleep hours. Here we will learn why sleep is critical to your well-being and all the natural tips you can do to have the best night sleep ever!
+ Stress Health
Stress can be good or bad for us on a daily basis. Some stresses you simply cannot avoid. Learning exactly what stress does to us on a cellular level can be the key to not letting it get the best of you and living a more balanced and joyful life. Tune in to learn all the simple tips to managing your stress in the healthiest way possible.
+ Cellular Health
Cellular health is the beginning of all health! When you can learn how to make the next cell produced healthier than the last, you can accomplish something remarkable, its called anti-aging! The only way you can ever heal from any condition is by giving the body the resources to produce a better quality cell than the last one. This is not only includes ridding the body of negative things but what type of nutrients we are feeding each cell as well.
Here we will discuss the pollutants and chemicals that interfere with our cellular health such as heavy metals and mycotoxins. We will also discuss the tools needed to eliminate them from your system once and for all.
+ Nutritional Health
Every cell in your body need protein, vitamins and minerals. These are the building blocks to for optimal health and living. The average American diet simply does not get the adequate amount of nutrients and vitamins we need. Our food has become so processed and the farming practices have left out many of the vital nutrients we need for healthy living and digestion. Supplementation is not an option anymore as it has become a mandatory daily habit to maintain the optimal levels of nutrients our bodies need to thrive. Knowing what supplements to chose and why is key to maintaining optimal living!
+ Exercise Health
A body in motion will stay in motion. This principle has been true since the beginning of time. Maintaining an active lifestyle with exercise is important to maintain proper blood flow including the microcirculation component. Exercise is also very beneficial in helping the body to create movement through the lymphatic system to remove toxins. My favorite reason to exercise daily is the production of the healthy "feel good" hormones and endorphins.
This section will cover all the facts you need to know about the importance of staying active, plus help you find the best program suited for you.
+ Emotional Health
I used to think that your physical health was your #1 asset in life. Once you lose it, nothing else matters. I have since changed my tune on this topic. Your mental and emotional health is the most important part of your life. You can learn to deal with a physical disability, but when your mind and emotions are out of balance your ability to participate in life becomes very limited.
Here we will learn all the secrets to maintaining healthy emotions and making every day a good day mentally!
+ Hormonal Health
The human body secretes some 50 different hormones. They enter the bloodstream and circulate through the entire body and activate target cells. A wide variety of these substances are produced by endocrine cells. The endocrine system is tightly linked to the nervous system and controls a number of body functions: metabolism, growth, sexual activity, and contraction of the smooth and cardiac muscles.
Here we will learn how much having balanced hormones will affect your life. We will also teach all the natural ways to maintain healthy hormones and the benefits of hormone replacement therapy.
+ Gut Health
75% off all our energy consumed daily is to make 4 digestive enzymes alone! The other 25% is used to heal the body. Why is this so? We need energy to break down the food we eat to get vital minerals, vitamins and other nutrient our bodies to survive.
How hard do you want to make that on the body? Your diet is the only factor you have complete control over. You decide what goes in your mouth. Are you Living to Eat! Or Eating to Live?
Are you allowing all the little workers in your gut to find what they are looking for easily or are you making them dumpster dive for the food?
Here we will dive deep into what to eat and why. We will also discuss how to determine what foods are helping you and hurting you and what to do about it!
Enjoy this more detailed Webinar on Gut Health
+ Brain Health
The brain is my favorite topic to teach on. Understanding the brain and how it functions is the first key to understanding what we can do to prevent they inevitable slow decline in brain function that comes with age and genetics. Once neurological decline happens, to a certain point, it will become irreversible. With Dementia, Alzheimer's, MS, Parkinson's, poor memory, concentration and focus issues at an all time high we must implement daily habits to reverse said conditions while we still can.
There are many therapies and daily habits we can practice to support optimal brain health including nutrients, ketones, redox signaling molecules, and microcirculation.
Enjoy this more detailed Webinar on Brain Health
+ Heart Health
Unfortunately, the first sign of heart disease 70% of the time is none other than sudden death! Men and women are both subject to heart attacks. The importance of cardiovascular health is widely known. However there are many facts, tips and tools you may not know concerning the health of your heart.
Join us as we dive deep into understanding what we can do to make sure you never become a statistic about heart disease.
Enjoy this more detailed Webinar on Heart Health
+ Spiritual Health
We all have a Body, Mind and Spirit. Acknowledging your spirituality and connection to God, the True Healer, allows God to work in you and through you in all you do. The body is wonderfully and fearfully made.
The Power that made the body, heals the body and no other force is responsible for such. The Lord will never leave you or forsake you. Resting with this assurance reminds us we are never alone and always loved.
Here we will discuss the importance of your spiritual connection to a higher being and how finding your inner peace can radically shift your health.
Here is the talk with Dr. Charles Stanley mentioned in the video above
+ Microcirculation Health
Life is in the blood!
In fact, after the nervous system it is the next most important system we have! It is composed of our heart, veins, arteries and capillaries. Surprisingly, all lined up will equal over 65K miles!
That is the equivalent of wrapping around the earth 2 1/2 times. When we are young the capillaries are dilating and constricting 50-60 times per minute. After age 65 we are lucky to get them to dialolate 1 time every 10 minutes. It is so critical that we learn how to optimize our blood flow throughout our life before the lack of flow causes us to get less oxygen and nutrients to our tissues.