About Good News Doctor Naples
Call us using this number and visit us at this address:
(239) 821-1223
5633 Strand Blvd. Suite 307
Naples, FL 34110
“Let the beauty of what you love be what you do.” — RUMI
Lisa H Sprague MSS,PTA,LMT
Hello! Thank you for checking out my website. My name is Lisa and I am excited to share my unique approach to optimizing health and well-being with you! I have been a licensed healthcare practitioner for over 35 years and owner/therapist of this private practice in Naples since 1999.
I am very blessed to have journeyed a path both professionally and personally that led me to these unique and profound modalities you see here. Needless to say, that path is never ending. I will always continue to search for how I can impact/facilitate the body’s ability to heal and bring it to you.
I believe all healing starts at the cellular level and I look forward to helping power your cellular potential.
Science & Art of Healing
Science & Art of Healing and Good News Doctor offers you powerful & new approaches to optimize your health and well-being at the cellular level with redox signaling molecules, frequency therapy and advanced technologies and products. Come experience life enhancing services starting at the cellular level to “treat the whole to heal the part”, improve quality of life and empower you to “put self care back in to your healthcare!”
Restoration ~ Regeneration ~ Optimization!